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1They have as much right to be there as the senna leaves.
2Rhubarb and senna, or an occasional dose of calomel may be given.
3At least eight varieties of senna leaf are known in commerce in Europe-1
4The bladder senna filled the air with the noise of its bursting petards.
5Two recipes of senna preparation follow, and may be tried in obstinate cases:
6Give a dose of senna after they have been taking this three days.
7If he'd asked for senna and salts, the waiter wouldn't have showed any surprise.
8Millet, dates, indigo and senna are the principal productions.
9We've got mustard in the house, and senna- Ithinkthere's some senna left-andJamaica ginger.
10The blue senna flowers along the river gave place to the white bloom of the tea-tree.
11Dried rose-leaves and cassia added to infusions of senna, is a family medicine in general request.
12Sometimes Flat Tummy Teas contain senna, which yes it's a herb, but it's also a laxative.
13As to the bowels, some senna and camomile tea at bedtime would help to clear them.
14A purgative should be given, either of senna and salts, castor oil; or rhubarb and soap pills.
15The poor, little lamb with her picture book and her bits of broken dry leaves-almostlike senna.
16Purge with senna, agaric, rhubarb, and claterium.